India first gay pride parade

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They danced, decried Section 377 of the IPC and distributed flags and roses to onlookers.

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Bhupen Hazarika’s Manuhe manuhor babe and Mor morome morom bisari jai, Beatles’ I want to hold your hand and K’naan’s Wavin’ Flag were some of the songs coming out of loudspeakers. The parade began near Dighalipukhuri and culminated at Ambari Rotary after taking a over 2km-long route through RBI Point, old SP Office, and Lamb Road.Īnd the world’s singers sang with them today.

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They shouted slogans like “Repeal 377”, “377 Bharat choro”, “We want dignity” and sang We Shall Overcome. Some wore masks, colourful dresses and wigs. 9: A week after the office of an NGO was ransacked for allegedly helping the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning) community in organising a parade here, 60 people, belonging to the community and straights, took part in Guwahati’s first pride parade today sending out a simple message: “We aren’t afraid”. Youths participate in the pride rally in Guwahati on Sunday.

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